Schistosoma westermani (Paragonimus westermani) is parasitic in the human lungs, but can also be ectopic in the brain and other parts of the body. Cats, dogs, and pigs can also be infected. The eggs are usually ovoid, yellowish brown, with a thick shell and a small cap. Its first intermediate host is the Sichuan snail, and the second intermediate host is the crab and clarkfish (parasitic in gills and muscles). People are infected by eating raw drunk and undercooked crabs or clarkfish, causing pulmonary schistosomiasis. The main cause of pulmonary schistosomiasis is the mechanical damage to the organs caused by child or adult worms settling in human tissues and the metabolites of the worms causing metabolic reactions. Some people are clinically asymptomatic after infection, while others can develop a variety of symptoms. In the acute stage, there may be abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool, and parasitism in the brain may form multiple cysts in the brain, with symptoms such as severe headache, epilepsy, paralysis, loss of vision, head and neck ankylosis and aphasia.
Ace Therapeutics specializes in parasitology and has established a technical platform for the development of animal models of parasitic diseases, aiming to provide development and customization services for various animal models of parasitic diseases for clients worldwide. We provide animal model development services for Paragonimus (Paragonimus westermani and Pagumogonimus skrjabini). This provides a good model for Paragonimus morphology, life history and especially the molecular biology provided a good model.
We can set up a Paragonimus (Paragonimus westermani and Pagumogonimus skrjabini) model for you in dogs or rats, it can be used for scientific research and drug research of Paragonimus. If you want to know more, you are welcome to consult us.
Model animal: dog
Parasite used for infection: metacercaria of Paragonimus westermani
Reproduction method: Intraperitoneal injection of metacercaria (commonly used) or oral feeding in dogs
Model characteristics: The intraperitoneal metacercaria can complete their larval migration and adult development. During the migration of metacercaria after decapsulation in the abdominal cavity of dogs, supradiaphragmatic worm channels, pleural perforations and superficial metacercaria in the lungs were seen. The metacercaria contain mature worms and eggs as well as pathological changes of pulmonary schistosomes in histological sections. Adult and child schistosomes infecting Paragonimus westermani were most abundant in the lungs, followed by the thoracic cavity and least in the abdominal cavity, with child worms occasionally found in the spleen and trachea and mature worms found in the abdominal cavity.
Application: the model replicated by this method can be used in immunology, pathology, and anti-lung fluke drug screening studies.
Model animal: rat
Parasite used for infection: metacercaria of Pagumogonimus skrjabini
Reproduction method: subcutaneous infection (commonly used) or intraperitoneal inoculation
Model characteristics: eggs were found in the fecal examination of the model animals about 50 d after inoculation. Sometimes the metacercarias are closed and do not communicate with the bronchi, which can result in a negative fecal test for eggs. The number of metacercarias in the right lung was higher than that in the left lung.
Application: the model replicated by this method can be used for immunological and pathological studies as well as anti-lung schistosome drug screening.
Delivery content: experiment report and Paragonimus westermani or Pagumogonimus skrjabini animal model
Test fee: please get it through online inquiry.