Nematodes cause various lesions mainly by secreting various enzymes or toxins while puncturing the host crop. The nematode infestation activity can provide an entry point for secondary pathogenic microorganisms that cause fungal and bacterial diseases. Most plant nematodes affect the underground parts of crops, such as roots and tubers. A small number of plant nematodes affect the above-ground parts of crops, such as leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. When the underground parts are affected, the above-ground parts show yellowing of leaves, dwarf plants, and malnutrition. The more serious crop nematodes include rice root-knot nematode, corn nematode, wheat nematode, sweet potato nematode, peanut root-knot nematode, soybean cyst nematode, sweet potato stem nematode, wheat grain nematode, citrus hemipunctate nematode.
Crop-parasitic nematodes and their hosts have evolved in a complex interplay that includes a series of molecular signaling, recognition, gene regulation, and expression, thereby altering the morphology and function of host cells to meet their growth and reproduction needs. The interactions between the two have changed from morphological description to molecular function identification. The continuous development of modern molecular biology has provided strong technical support for us to explore the interaction between the two. Ace Therapeutics provides a comprehensive service for the study of crop nematode-host plant interactions to help you gain a deeper understanding of plant-parasitic nematode-host interactions.
1. In situ hybridization
We provide technical services for in situ hybridization to study tissue-specific localization and how nematodes establish the location of feeding sites within roots.
2. RNAi
We provide technical services for double-stranded RNA silencing specific genes, blocking the expression of plant parasitic nematode genes to explore the function of the gene, and helping to explore plant-nematode interaction studies.
3. DNA microarray analysis and differential display techniques
DNA microarray analysis, differential display techniques, and real-time fluorescence quantification are used to identify the function of nematode gene-specific expression during developmental and parasitic stages.
4. High-throughput sequencing and others
We also provide high-throughput sequencing, promoter-reporter gene fusion, RNA blotting, protein immunolocalization, and differential library screening services for studying promoter composition, targets of transcription factors acting in regulatory networks, and their interactions. Or to study the interrelationship of genes with altered expression at parasitic nematode-feeding sites. Or to study the signaling processes between nematodes and plants. Or to study the interactions of other hormones.