Trichomonas vaginalis has a simple life history, with only a trophozoite stage. The worms reproduce by longitudinal bifurcation and ingest food by phagocytosis and gulping. The worms are highly viable in the external environment and have some resistance to adverse conditions. The trophozoite is the infective stage of the worm and is transmitted by direct or indirect contact. Trichomonas vaginalis is mainly found in the vagina and urethra of women and in the urethra and prostate of men, causing trichomonas vaginalis, urethritis or prostatitis. It has a global distribution and is more common in the population.
Ace Therapeutics specializes in parasitology and has established a parasite culture technology platform that provides culture services for a wide range of parasites. We provide in vitro culture services for Trichomonas vaginalis, aiming to facilitate its experimental diagnosis, parasite morphology, life history (ecology), pathogenesis, epidemiological patterns, immunogenetic characteristics, preservation of insect species, and development of vaccines.
Trichomonas vaginalis has only trophozoite stage. We offer 2 methods of in vitro culture of Trichomonas vaginalis, xenic culture and aseptic culture, which you can choose flexibly according to your needs.
The main medium used is hepatic peptone sugar medium.
Sample can be taken from the patient's posterior vaginal vault directly.
Generally apply 12 mL or 6 mL spiral covered culture tube, can be taken from the patient's posterior vaginal vault directly into the culture tube, add penicillin 1000 u/mL, streptomycin 1 mg/mL to remove miscellaneous bacteria, 36 ± 0.5℃ incubation.
The main medium used is BIS-33 liquid medium, containing three components, which are nutrient solution, vitamin mixture, and adult bovine serum.
The pH was adjusted to 5.8, 10% adult bovine serum was applied, and 6 ml of glass covered culture tubes were used. When transferring from bacterial to sterile, appropriate amounts of appropriate antimicrobials were added to kill the bacteria, such as penicillin, streptomycin, kanamycin, etc.
Sample type: Vaginal secretions, urethral secretions.
Delivery content: Trichomonas vaginalis with culture medium and report.
Test fee: please get it through online inquiry