Customized Services for Animal Model of Strongyloides stercoralis Infection

Customized Services for Animal Model of Strongyloides stercoralis Infection

Strongyloides stercoralis Animal Model Customization Service

Strongyloides stercoralis is a parthenogenic parasite with a life history that includes both autochthonous and parasitic generations. In the parasitic generation, the adult worms mainly live in the small intestine of hosts such as humans, dogs and cats; the larvae can invade the lungs, brain, liver, kidneys and other tissues and organs, causing strongvloidiasis. The larvae are excreted in the feces of the host, pass through the skin of the host's feet and then return to the host's body, where they are carried by the bloodstream to the lungs. They pass through the trachea into the digestive tract and settle in the large intestine, where they mature and lay eggs.

The life stages of Strongyloides stercoralis in the host include adult, egg, rod-shaped and filamentous butterflies. The modes of infection include cutaneous / mucosal / oral infection, or self-infection within the body. The parasitic generation is rarely male.

Clinical manifestations in patients with strongvloidiasis include skin lesions, alveolar hemorrhage, fine bronchial inflammatory cell infiltration, gastrointestinal mucosal congestion, catarrhal enteritis, and even disseminated superinfection.

Ace Therapeutics specializes in parasitology and has established a technical platform for the development of animal models of parasitic diseases, aiming to provide development and customization services for various animal models of parasitic diseases for clients worldwide. We provide animal model development services for Strongyloides stercoralis. This provides a good model for the morphology, life history and especially the molecular biology of Strongyloides stercoralis and the study of strongvloidiasis.

Customization Service Options for Animal Models of Strongyloides stercoralis Infection

We can construct a Strongyloides stercoralis model for you in puppies, it can be used for scientific research and drug research of strongvloidiasis. If you want to know more, you are welcome to consult us.

  • Puppies model of Strongyloides stercoralis

Model animals: healthy puppies.

Source of Strongyloides stercoralis: fresh feces of patients were taken for culture to develop rod larvae into filarial larvae.

Replication method: subcutaneous inoculation of filarial larvae via the abdomen. (And oral administration of prednisone for immunosuppression.)

Model characteristics: After 2 weeks of infection, the amount of larvae excreted by the animal increases significantly; after the larvae are present in the feces, diarrhea appears; after 2 weeks of immune treatment, the diarrhea worsens, causing dehydration, wasting and failure of the animal, and death by bloody feces and respiratory distress. The pathological changes of ulcerative small intestinal infection, colitis, pneumonia and pulmonary hemorrhage in the model replicated by this method are very similar to those of the intestine and lungs in humans with severe strongvloidiasis infection. Severe enteritis, pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage, and sepsis caused by immunosuppressive treatment of puppies infected with Strongyloides stercoralis are the major causes of death in puppies, similar to the causes of death in humans with severe strongvloidiasis infection. Complications such as secondary bacterial infections and sepsis can occur in infected puppies following immunosuppression, similar to those seen in patients with severe strongvloidiasis caused by clinical treatment with epinephrine and other immunosuppressive agents.

Application: the animal model replicated by this method can be used for experimental model studies of human fulminant strongvloidiasis infection because of its parasitological and pathological findings and clinical manifestations, which are extremely similar to those of clinically severe human strongvloidiasis.

Service Details

Delivery content: experiment report and Strongyloides stercoralis animal model
Test fee: please get it through online inquiry.

Service Flow

  1. Communicate your requirements with us via online inquiry or telephone.
  2. Communicate the requirements (Number, degree of infection, etc.) of Strongyloides stercoralis animal model customization, sign the contract and pay the deposit.
  3. Fill out the sample order and send the samples (optional).
  4. Develop Strongyloides stercoralis animal model and prepare experiment report.
  5. Delivery of report and animal model.

Our Advantages

  • We offer rat models of Strongyloides stercoralis that can be used for scientific research and drug research of strongvloidiasis. If you have special needs, please consult us for customization.
  • Our professional technicians have extensive experience in parasite animal model development.
  • Advanced technology platform, scientific management system, and standard R&D procedures.
  • In addition to Strongyloides stercoralis animal model customization service, we also provide Strongyloides stercoralis identification (Stool / sputum test (bacillary larvae or nematode larvae), duodenal drainage/diarrheal excretion test (eggs or larvae), culture method/ larval leaching method, ELISA test, etc.) and in vitro culture services.
  • The project cycle time is short and the price is competitive.
All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.

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